“Life is not just about digging money, it's also about having fun and enjoying the touch of sunshine.”
Our days are counted. We have a very short time to live. We spent 5 years of childhood when we just played and thought of nothing. We spent 12 years of studying grade school and secondary, plus another 7 years if we continued to post doctoral studies. The rest of our years we spend on working hard, thinking about the economy, promotions, competition and of course, salary. Its the life cycle. It is so boring, isn't it?
In the contrary, life isn't actually boring because it offers great ways of escaping stress, and depression. Make a reflection of your own life and realize what you have missed in the past years. Leisure. Relaxation. Having Fun. These could be one of the least things the workaholic professionals would think about. Through this blog you will be convinced that its time to get out of your four cornered office, set foot on the sand of the beaches and be amazed by the wonderful scenery that nature can give. One best way though is finding a boat and sending yourself to a trip.
There are a lot of places you can get to or a lot of experiences you can enjoy with. You can have a sunset tour in Manhattan or an island trip in New York. These may just be places near to you but you've not explored what else it can give. You must have been in bars or pubs for years but a nature trip is much different from a bar hang out. It relaxes your soul and makes you feel “inner peace”.
A trip isn't about extravagantly spending money but think it as a way of harvesting what you have pondered. A few days off won't hurt your company or the company you are working with but it will greatly help you savor more of life, be motivated to reach your goals and will lighten every day that you are about to face.
A boat trip will make you sway with the endless horizon of oceans. It will calm you down and will you make feel at ease with life. You will escape problems for a while but can courageously face it when you've done something good for yourself. A trip will give you a different kind of happiness. The happiness of the soul.
Simply said, don't put yourself too much on working. Work smartly, no matter how rich you are a time will come to die. And its alright to die when you have died with happiness, with contentment and without regrets because you have exhausted what life have offered. You spent time with your family or friends. You created a bond with with them. You converged with nature. You enjoyed the boat trip.
Celebrate life because you will never live again. Make a way to have a taste of what happiness really is, away from the agony of living. Make a snapshot of memories, smile and laugh. That's how life should go for you, for me and for everybody.!!!
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